Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kelulut (trigona atripes)

ini namanya Trigona atripes..hari ni ada satu keadaan yang mana aku rasa perlu aku ceritakan di sini. Kenapa terlampau skeptical dengan apa yang orang buat????sebagai seorang yang bergiat dalam bidang kelulut ni aku rasa aku betul dalam semua perkara..hahahah tak la just joking..just know what i'm doing..someone ask me today..what do you mean by netted structure??then i don't know what to explain..and when i klentong2 they said "that is rain shelter la". When i ask the same questions to the expert i guess..he said that stupid answer they told to you..hahahaha...just percaya ajela they are VK7..the thing that i suppose to be geram is they condemn me about my research. In pollination industry when we compare human and insect..normally insect give the high quality..when i show it to them the said impossible..these people tak percaya apa kelebihan yang diberikan oleh Allah pada serangga..tambah lagi kelulut..takkan la manusia boleh pollinated lebih dari manusia...when i said this stingless bee can pollinated and give 744 fruit per month compared to human 465.. this is my finding...rock melon its my 2nd test actually, the first is carambola... but i'm realize maybe bukan rezeki saya pada kali ini. yang penting kena percaya percaturan Allah.

1 comment:

  1. salam ustaz, sy Farisya, student dr UMK, sy telah membaca blog ustaz mengenai kelulut. saya sekarang sdg membuat kajian mengenai thermoregulation sarang kelulut (Trigona thoracica). harap ustaz sudi berkongsi ilmu mengenai kelulut. Terima kasih :)
