Friday, January 6, 2012

Stingless bee in Taman Tropika Kenyir (Food Source)


The pollen collected by species of Trigona; T. atripes, and T. collina were studied at the Pulau Tekak Besar Tasik Kenyir, from January to July 2011. Pollen loads were sampled from bee baskets of forager bees returning to their colonies using a random sampling. Pollen samples were prepared for analysis by acetolysis and some of the pollen identified using the microscope. In total, 1133 pollen loads f

rom bee baskets of forager bees were identified into 33 plant species of 19 families; Damar hitam katup(Shorea balanocarpoides), Ramin(Gonystylus affinis), Resak keluang(Vatica bella), Putat(Barringtonia racemosa), Minyak berok(Xanthophyllum sp), Merawan bunga(Hopea pubescens), Melunak(Pentace macrophylla) ,Karas(Aquilaria malaccensis) ,Nyatoh(Palaqium gutta), Medang(Cinnamomum sp) ,Kayu Arang(Diospyros argentea), Balau(Shorea sp) ,Kembang Semangkuk Jantung(Scaphium macropodum), Kelat(Syzygium sp), Tulang Daeng(Callerya atropurpurea) , Meranti Rambai Daun(Shorea accuminata), Penaga Lilin(Mesua ferrea), Hampas tebu(Gironniera nervosa), Damar hitam(Shorea multiflora), Mempening(Lithocarpus wallichianus), Rengas(Gluta sp), Mahang(Macaranga gigantia), Balau tembaga(Shorea exelliptica), Meranti tembaga(Shorea leprosula), Meranti melantai(Shorea macroptera), Nipis kulit (Liindenia lauriana) ,Berangan babi(Castanopsis sp), Sesenduk(Endospermum diadenum) ,Geronggang(Cratoxylum arborescens), Meranti kepong(Shorea ovalis), Keruing mempelas(Dipterocarpus crinitus), Meranti pipit(Shorea assamica), Penarahan(Knema hookeriana), and Perah(Elateriospermum tapos). T. collina was by far the most polylectic species collecting 28 plant species, while T. atripes foraged on 25 and T. apicalis 24. This suggests that the T. collina is the most important pollinator in the forest among the three species.

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